Submit your Appointment Information

After scheduling your appointment, please fill out this form.

Appointment Information Form

Before submitting this form, please call or email to schedule your appointment:

  • If multiple locations, please state which location
  • IF STAT, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY TO SCHEDULE. Based on Sonographer/Specialist availability.
  • Please check ALL that apply. If this is a STAT read, please call immediately so that your request can be processed.
  • Presentation, Physical Exam, etc. Bulleted text is appreciated.
  • Any medications patient is currently on or that have been administered in the last 24 hours.
  • Please list any abnormal lab work values. Example: ALT 400, BUN 47. You can alternatively email them to: The specialists have recently requested full lab work along with the ultrasound to provide the most detailed case read.
  • You may send up to 3 CURRENT radiographs that are of the same cavity that is being examined. These will supplement the ultrasound, however the main ddx will be made from the ultrasound itself. Please contact us if you have further questions. Email radiographs to: